
Hephthalite Huns

Historical Overview Section

The Hephthalites, Ephthalites, or Ye-tai were a confederation of nomadic and settled people in Central Asia who expanded their domain westward in the 5th century. It is not clear whether the Hephthalites or a related people, the Xionites, were synonymous with the White Huns (Sanskrit Sveta Huna).

At the height of its power in the first half of the 6th century, the Hephthalite Empire controlled territory in present-day Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India and China.

The stronghold of the Hephthalites was Tokharistan on the northern slopes of the Hindu Kush, in what is present-day northeastern Afghanistan. By 479, the Hephthalites had conquered Sogdia and driven the Kidarites westwards, and by 493 they had captured parts of present-day Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin in what is now Northwest China.

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army

200 Points
Ordinary, Included
3 Hun cavalry Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Hun light cavalry Light cavalry bow Elite
1 Indian cavalry Medium cavalry Mediocre
3 Elephants Elephant Elite
2 Indian light infantry Light infantry javelin ------
2 Hun light infantry Light infantry bow ------
2 Indian swordsmen Medium swordsmen 2HW ----
2 Indian levy archers Bowmen Mediocre
5 Hun cavalry Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Hun light cavalry Light cavalry bow Elite

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