
Old Assyrian and Babylonian

Historical Overview Section

The actual origins of Babylon are rather hard to pinpoint with great certainty simply because Babylon itself, due to a high water table, yields very few archaeological materials intact. Thus any evidence must come from surrounding regions and written records.

When Hammurabi (an Amorite) ascended the throne of Babylon, the empire only consisted of a few towns in the surrounding area: Dilbat, Sippar, Kish, and Borsippa. Once Hammurabi was king, his military victories gained land for the empire. However, Babylon remained but one of several important areas in Mesopotamia, along with Assyria, then ruled by Shamshi-Adad I, and Larsa, then ruled by Rim-Sin I.

In Hammurabi's thirtieth year as king, he really began to establish Babylon as the center of what would be a great empire. In that year, he conquered Larsa from Rim-Sin I, thus gaining control over the lucrative urban centers of Nippur, Ur, Uruk, and Isin. In essence, Hammurabi gained control over all of south Mesopotamia.

A text about the fall of Babylon by the Hittites of Mursilis I at the end of Samsuditana's reign which tells about a twin eclipse is crucial for a correct Babylonian chronology. The pair of lunar and solar eclipses occurred in the month Shimanu (Sivan). The lunar eclipse took place on February 9, 1659 B

Using the army in ADLG

  • Another pretty 'meh' army from this part of the book, lacking in heavy Chariots and without enough Light Chariots to do any real skirmishing.
  • That sort of leaves you with a massed swordsmen charge, which at least as these chaps have Impact might be a bit better than some of the other armies.

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