Definitions (p9)

Unit Orientation

  • Flank and Rear are kinda important, as enemies with part of their front edge behind your flank or rear can charge you in the flank or rear, which is Very Bad. You want to avoid this happening if at all possible.

Units Directly in Front

  • When you are within 1 UD of an enemy to your front you can charge them for zero pips / command points in a Spontaneous Charge. This is quite handy, and is also different to an Impetuous Charge. by Impetuous troops.
  • For Shooting, the nearest target Directly in Front is your priority. After that its the nearest in arc of fire.

Units Most in Front

  • This counts as part of the shooting priority as well - if multiple targets are Directly in Front, the one that's Most in Front gets shot at

Nearest Unit

  • Relevant for Shooting priority, but also for who Impetuous Charges contact

Zone of Control

  • Yep, the ZOC. Once you're in a ZOC, you're probably going to have to fight the enemy who are ZOCcing you. Or Evade.


  • There is a whole section about this in the rules. The important stuff is the difference between a Charge, a Pursuit and when you are Conforming.