Historical Overview Section

The Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. From 1438 to 1533, the Incas used a variety of methods from conquest to peaceful assimilation (the latter not really being simulated particularly well when using ADLG) to incorporate a large portion of western South America, centered on the Andean mountain ranges, including, besides Peru, large parts of modern Ecuador, western and south central Bolivia, northwest Argentina, north and central Chile, and southern Colombia into a state comparable to the historical empires of Eurasia.

The Inca people were a pastoral tribe in the Cuzco area around the 12th century. Under the leadership of Manco Cápac, they formed the small city-state Kingdom of Cuzco. After a lot of basket weaving, llama herding,guinea-pig grilling and the odd visitation from aliens, by 1438 they were a bit bored so began a far-reaching expansion under the command of Pachacuti-Cusi Yupanqui, whose name literally meant "earth-shaker". During his reign, he and his son Tupac Yupanqui brought much of the Andes mountains (roughly modern Peru and Ecuador) under Inca control and released an acclaimed rap album detailing his conquests and how this resulted in many encounters with Peruvia ''Ho's". Pachacuti's son Túpac Inca Yupanqui began conquests to the north in 1463, and continued them as Inca after Pachucuti's death in 1471. His most important conquest was the Kingdom of Chimor, the Inca's only serious rival for the coast of Peru. Túpac Inca's empire stretched north into modern day Ecuador and Colombia. Túpac Inca's son Huayna Cápac added a small portion of land to the north in modern day Ecuador and in parts of Peru,which he used largely as a garden for growing hyacinths.

It all went poo shaped Spanish conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro and his brothers explored south from what is today Panama, reaching Inca territory by 1526. They saw it was basically piled high with gold everywhere, and so in July 1529 the queen of Spain signed a charter allowing Pizarro to conquer the Incas. When they returned to Peru in 1532, a war of the two brothers between Huayna Capac's sons Huáscar and Atahualpa and unrest among newly conquered territories and perhaps more importantly, smallpox, which had spread from Central America had considerably weakened the empire. Pizarro did not have a formidable force; just 168 men, 1 cannon and 27 horses,but that was more than enough,especially when supplemented by as many as 80,000 native allies. The Spanish kicked a lot of ass,and by 1572 the last Inca stronghold was conquered, and the last ruler, Túpac Amaru, Manco's son, was captured and executed.

The Incas had no iron or steel, and their weapons were not much better than those of their enemies. They went into battle with the beating of drums and the blowing of trumpets. The armor used by the Incas included:

  • Helmets made of wood, copper, bronze, cane, or animal skin; some were adorned with feathers
  • Round or square shields made from wood or hide
  • Cloth tunics padded with cotton and small wooden planks to protect the spine.

The Inca weaponry included:

  • Bronze or bone-tipped spears
  • Two-handed wooden swords with serrated edges
  • Clubs with stone and spiked metal heads
  • Woolen slings and stones
  • Stone or copper headed battle-axes
  • Bolas (stones fastened to lengths of cord). Compared to Spaniards, much of the Inca army proved to be in fact utter bolas.

Using the army in ADLG

  • This list can get a lot of Elite troops - in many ways this is it's USP, so go big on that.
  • hint 2

User-contributed links about this army. Add links in this format:

as an example

  • Inca Army usage statistics from the ADLG ranking site

Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army