Historical Overview Section
In the Late Middle Ages, the Kingdom of Hungary, a country in Central Europe, experienced a period of interregnum in the early 14th century. Royal power was restored under Charles I (1308–1342), a scion of the Capetian House of Anjou. Gold and silver mines opened in his reign produced about one third of the world's total production up until the 1490s. The kingdom reached the peak of its power under Louis the Great (1342–1382) who led military campaigns against Lithuania, Southern Italy and other faraway territories.
The expansion of the Ottoman Empire reached the kingdom under Sigismund of Luxemburg (1387–1437). In the next decades, a talented military commander, John Hunyadi directed the fight against the Ottomans. His victory at Nándorfehérvár (present-day Belgrade, Serbia) in 1456 stabilized the southern frontiers for more than half a century.
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Useful Links
User-contributed links about this army. Add links in this format:
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as an example
- Arab Conquest Arab Conquest army on Fanaticus
Army Lists
Sample army lists for this army
Marks Podcast Alicante List 2025 - The Black Army
Competent Commander
4 Hungarian Nobles* Heavy knight impact Elite
2 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite
3 Light Infantry Light infantry firearm ------
Competent Included
2 Hungarian Nobles* (+ General) Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite
2 Szekler* Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Hungarian & Cumans Light cavalry bow ------
Ordinary Included
3 Szeklers* (+ General) Light cavalry bow Elite
3 Hungarians and Cumans Light cavalry bow ------
German Team Tournament 2024
1 HKn Included Unreliable
2 LH Bow
1 LF Bow
Serb Ally
3 Impetuous Elite HKn
3 Lh Impact Elite
Wagon Artillery
2 Impetuous Elite Kn
2 LF XBow
1 LF Bow
4 LH Impact Elite
3 LF Handgun
2023 Southern League One dayer
4 Hungarian Nobles Medium knight impetuous Elite
2 Hungarians and Cumans Medium cavalry bow ------
2 Szeklers & Tartars Light cavalry bow ------
4 Hungarian Spearmen Heavy spearmen ------
2 Hungarians & Cumans Medium cavalry bow ------
3 Szeklers & Tartars Light cavalry bow Elite
Ordinary Padova Ally
3 Men at Arms Heavy knight impact
1 Mounted Crosbowmen Light cavalry crossbow
238 Later Hungarian USTT 2020
1 Nobles Heavy knight impact Elite
3 Nobles Heavy knight impact
1 Szecklers Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Szecklers Medium cavalry bow
2 Cumans Light cavalry bow
2 Skirmishers Light infantry firearm Elite
1 Skirmishers Light infantry crossbow
1 Szecklers Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Szecklers Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Szecklers Medium cavalry bow
2 Cumans Light cavalry bow
1 Nobles Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Nobles Heavy knight impact
1 Skirmishers Light infantry crossbow
1 Skirmishers Light infantry firearm Elite
238 Hungarian (Ellis - Britcon 2019)
4 Hungarian Nobles Heavy knight impact Elite
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
3 Clipeati Heavy spearmen armour ------
2 Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow ------
2 Hungarian bowman Bowmen ------
1 szeklers Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 HungarianLt Cav Light cavalry bow ------
Competent Included
2 Hungarian Lt Cav Light cavalry bow ------
3 szeklers Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 szeklers * Heavy cavalry bow Elite
Paul Dawsons 3rd place list from Britcon 2018
4 Hungarian Nobles Heavy Knight impact Elite
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm Elite
3 Clipeati Heavy spearmen armour ------
2 Light infantry crossbow Light infantry crossbow ------
2 Hungarian Bowman Bowmen ------
1 Szekeler Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Hungarians and Cumans Light cavalry bow ------
Competent Included
2 Hungarians and Cumans Light cavalry bow ----
3 Szekeler Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Szekeler * Heavy cavalry bow Elite
USTT 2018
3 Heavy knight impact
2 Light cavalry bow
1 Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Light infantry firearm
1 Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Medium cavalry bow Elite
1 Bowmen
2 Light cavalry bow
2 Heavy knight impact Elite
1 Heavy knight impact
2 Light infantry crossbow
1 Light infantry firearm
200 Point The Worlds 2016
3 HKn elite 1 LI Hand gunner elite, 1 LI XB
1 HKn elite 2 HKn 1 LI Hand gunner elite, 1 LI XB
1 WWG Artillery, 1 WWG XB, 2 HKn , 3 LC Bow elite, 3 LC bow, 2 LI XB
200 Point Britcon
2 Hungarian Nobles Heavy knight impact Elite
2 German Knights Heavy knight impact ------
3 Serbian Hussars Light cavalry impact Elite
4 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ------
2 Hungarian Nobles Heavy knight impact Elite
2 German Knights Heavy knight impact ------
2 Light Infantry Light infantry crossbow ------
1 Light Infantry Light infantry firearm Elite
2 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ------
3 Hungarians Light cavalry bow ------