Historical Overview Section

The Golden Horde was a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate established in the 13th century and originating as the northwestern sector of the Mongol Empire. With the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire after 1259 it became a functionally separate khanate. It is also known as the Kipchak Khanate or as the Ulus of Jochi.

After the death of Batu Khan (the founder of the Golden Horde) in 1255, his dynasty flourished for a full century, until 1359, though the intrigues of Nogai did instigate a partial civil war in the late 1290s. The Horde's military power peaked during the reign of Uzbeg (1312–1341), who adopted Islam. The territory of the Golden Horde at its peak included most of Eastern Europe from the Urals to the Danube River, and extended east deep into Siberia. In the south, the Golden Horde's lands bordered on the Black Sea, the Caucasus Mountains, and the territories of the Mongol dynasty known as the Ilkhanate.

The khanate experienced violent internal political disorder beginning in 1359, before it briefly reunited (1381-1395) under Tokhtamysh. However, soon after the 1396 invasion of Timur, the founder of the Timurid Empire, the Golden Horde broke into smaller Tatar khanates which declined steadily in power. At the start of the 15th century the Horde began to fall apart. By 1466 it was being referred to simply as the "Great Horde". Within its territories there emerged numerous predominantly Turkic-speaking khanates. These internal struggles allowed the northern vassal state of Muscovy to rid itself of the "Tatar Yoke" at the Great stand on the Ugra river in 1480. The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, survived until 1783 and 1847 respectively.

Using the army in ADLG

  • Attacking is always preferred. Attack in plains, rough terrain is not enough of a big deal.
  • Players without foot bows will learn why they want them.
  • Many steppe armies should be designed with a command that can flank march and you flank march A LOT with it.
  • LH are a bit iffy, and may run out of space. Top out around 6 or 7 LH.
  • MC is great when elite. You shouldn't plan to fight with it, but they are vicious shooting and with support often can hold up long enough to disengage. But if opponent doesn't have foot bows, then they are awesome.
  • MC charging you in flank are pretty darn deadly!
  • Knowing when to skeddale is an important factor.
  • LH can interpenetrate and be interpenetrated by Cavalry - unlike in many other rules
  • You need to have the majority of your army as Medium Cav
  • Any (usually 4) 4 Heavy Elite Bow/Impact types should always be taken
  • Take less than 10 light cavalry.
  • Get good initiative
  • Keep as many of your cavalry Elite as possible while keeping your breakpoint above 19-20.
  • Elite make your bowfire decent and keeps the Medium Cav alive in melee

15mm Manufacturers supplying figures for this army

You can see some of the figures in the Ancients Photo Gallery also on this site. The Mongols had many subject troops, so look at the other Arab and East European ranges as well.

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army

200 Points

  • 3 of these
  • 4 of these
  • etc
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