Historical Overview Section

By the late fourteenth century and the early fifteenth, French military power had declined in the run up to the early part of the Hundred Years' War. New weapons and tactics seemingly made the knight more of a sitting target than an effective battle force, but the often-praised longbowmen had little to do with the English success. Poor coordination or rough terrain led to bungled French assaults. The slaughter of knights at the Battle of Agincourt best exemplified this carnage. The French were able to field a much larger army of men-at-arms than their English counterparts, who had many longbowmen. Despite this, the French suffered about 6,000 casualties compared to a few hundred for the English because the narrow terrain prevented the tactical envelopments envisioned in recently discovered French plans for the battle.

The French suffered a similar defeat at the Battle of the Golden Spurs against the Low Countries militia in 1302. When knights were allowed to effectively deploy, however, they could be more useful, as at Cassel in 1328 or, even more decisively, at Bouvines in 1214 and Patay in 1429. Given the successes of Henry V of England, his death in 1422 altered the nature of the war profoundly and may have permitted the French to recover virtually all their territory by the end of the conflict.

Popular French conceptions of the final stages of the Hundred Years' War are often dominated by the exploits of Joan of Arc, but in fact the French resurgence was rooted in multiple factors. A major step was taken by King Charles VII, who, with the Compagnies d'ordonnance, cavalry units with 20 companies of 600 men each created the first standing army giving the French a considerable edge in professionalism and discipline. Additionally, developments in artillery made it a crucial part of the French army, and the resounding victories over the English at the battles of Formigny and Castillon, both significantly attributable to artillery were so decisive that the war ended then and there. By 1453 Calais was the only English possession in mainland France.

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Sighian Dubh 2023
3 Foot Knights (1 elite + general)
2 LF XBow
5 Foot Knights
2 Mounted Knights Impact
2 Levy
2 LF XBow
Brilliant General
3 Foot Knight (1 elite with general)
2 LF XBow

2021 Podcast Lists:
Daves List
1429 Jean d'Arc
2 foot knights Knight on foot Elite
3 foot knights Knight on foot ------
1 genoese crossbow crossbowmen pavise ------
1 french crossbow crossbowmen Mediocre
2 levy levy ------
2 volgiers heavy swordsmen 2HW ----
1 light artillery Light artillery ----
1 light foot crossbow light infantry crossbow ----
Competent Included Unreliable
1 foot knight general knight on foot elite
1 foot knights knight on foot ------
1 french crossbow crossbowmen mediocre
1 genoese crossbowmen pavise crossbowmen pavise ------
1 mercenaries heavy knight impact ------
2 Valets and Sergeants heavy cavalry impact ------
2 french crossbow crossbowmen mediocre

1399 - Tims List
Ordinary Incl.& Unr.
4 nobles heavy knight impetuous elite
2 light crossbow light infantry crossbow ------
Competent Included
3 nobles heavy knight impetuous elite
1 crossbowmen crossbowmen mediocre
1 genoese crossbow Crossbowmen pavise Elite
2 nobles heavy knight impetuous ----
2 nobles heavy knight impetuous elite
2 bidets light infantry javelin elite
2 valets heavy cavalry impact ----

Richards List (Fixed for spreadsheet error) 1367
1 Foot Knights Elite
1 Paviser Heavy Spear Pavise
1 Foot Knight
1 Crossbow
1 Crossbow Mediocre
1 Genoese Crossbow Pavise Elite
1 Brigan Med Sw Mediocre
1 Breton LF Javelin Elite
1 Breton LF Javelin
Ordinary Included Unreliable
1 Foot Knight Elite
2 Foot Knighths
2 Hvy Sp Pavise
1 Paviser Heavy Spear Pavise
2 Foot Knight
1 Crossbow
1 Crossbow Mediocre
1 Genoese Crossbow Pavise Elite
1 Brigan Med Sw Mediocre
1 Mercenary Hvy Kn Impact

100YW French Cold Wars 300 Point Doubles 2020
1 LF Xbow
1 Elite Knights Impetuouos Ordinary Embedded General
1 HCv Impact Ordinary
1 XBow Elite
2 LF XBow
1 Ordinary Impact Knight
3 Elite Impact Knights & Included General
1 HCv Impact
4 Impetuous Elite Knights
1 Impact Knight Ordinary
3 HCv
4 LF XBow
3 Full Fat Knights
1 Ordinary Knight
2 LF XBow
1 HCv Impact
1 Elite XBow

226 100YW French (Worden - Britcon 2019)
3 Men at Arms Heavy Knight Impetuous Elite
2 Cavalry Heavy Cavalry Impact ----
1 Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow ----
2 Crossbowmen Crossbowmen ----
2 Levies Levy ----
Ordinary Included
3 Men at Arms Heavy Knight Impetuous Elite
1 Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow ----
Competent Unreliable
2 Mercenaries Heavy Knight Impact
1 Crossbowmen Light Infantry Crossbow
1 Gun Heavy artillery
2 Crossbowmen Crossbowmen

Dans 100YW French Worlds lists 2018
Competent Included
1 Breton Light infantry javelin Elite
1 Crossbow Genoese Crossbowmen pavise
3 Nobles (may dismount) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
1 Mercenary Knight (may dismount) Heavy knight impact
1 French Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow
2 Peasants Levy
1 French Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow
1 Breton Light infantry javelin Elite
3 Nobles (may dismount) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
1 Mercenary Knight (may dismount) Heavy knight impact
1 Crossbow Genoese Crossbowmen
2 Pavisers Heavy spearmen
Ordinary Included
2 Nobles (may dismount) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
1 French Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow

Competent Included
1 Genose Crossbow Crossbowmen Elite
1 Genose Crossbow Crossbowmen
1 French Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow
2 Voulgier Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW
1 Brigan Medium swordsmen Mediocre
2 Nobles dismounted Knight on foot Elite
2 French Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow
1 Brigan Medium swordsmen Mediocre
2 French Crossbow Crossbowmen

1 Mercenary (may dismount) Heavy knight impact
2 Nobles (may dismount) Heavy knight impetuous Elite
Ordinary included
2 Nobles dismounted Knight on foot Elite
1 French Light Crossbow Light infantry crossbow

2 Voulgier Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW

100YW Roll Call winning French army, leaded by Du Guesclin himself. A must as the theme was “Navarette 650th anniversary” in 200pts
• 1st corps : CiC Du Guesclin – strategist
• 6 heavy knights impetuous elite
• 1 LMI crossbow elite
• 3 LI crossbow
• 2 LI javelin

• 2nd corps : competent general
• 4 heavy spearmen
• 1 heavy knight impact
• 1 LMI crossbow elite
• 1 LI crossbow

• 3rd corps ; ordinary general
• 4 impetuous levies
Initiative +2 , 23 bases