Historical Overview Section

the Tupi people were one of the largest groups of indigenous Brazilians before its colonization. Scholars believe that while they first settled in the Amazon rainforest, from about 2,900 years ago the Tupi started to migrate southward and gradually occupied the Atlantic coast of Southeast Brazil

According to primary source accounts by primarily European writers, the Tupi were divided into several tribes which would constantly engage in war with each other. In these wars the Tupi would normally try to capture their enemies to later kill them in cannibalistic rituals. The warriors captured from other Tupi tribes were eaten as it was believed by them that this would lead to their strength being absorbed and digested; thus, in fear of absorbing weakness, they chose only to sacrifice warriors perceived to be strong and brave. For the Tupi warriors, even when prisoners, it was a great honor to die valiantly during battle or to display courage during the festivities leading to the sacrifice. The Tupi have also been documented to eat the remains of dead relatives as a form of honoring them

Using the army in ADLG

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army

200 Points Devon 2022 v4
8 Warriors Medium swordsmen bow Mediocre
2 Skirmishers Light infantry bow ------
8 Warriors Medium swordsmen bow Mediocre
2 Skirmishers Light infantry bow ------
8 Warriors Medium swordsmen bow Mediocre
2 Skirmishers Light infantry bow ------

  • 3 of these
  • 4 of these
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