Historical Overview Section

The Zapotec state began to expand around 400–100 BC as Zapotec rulers seized control of the provinces outside the valley of Oaxaca because none of the surrounding provinces could compete with them politically and militarily. By 200 AD, the Zapotec had extended their influence, from Quiotepec in the North to Ocelotepec and Chiltepec in the South. Monte Albán had become the largest city in what are today the southern Mexican highlands, and retained this status until approximately 700 AD. The Zapotecs were a sedentary culture living in villages and towns, in houses constructed with stone and mortar. They recorded the principal events in their history by means of hieroglyphics, and in warfare they made use of a cotton armour. The well-known ruins of Mitla have been attributed to them.

The last battle between the Aztecs and the Zapotecs occurred between 1497 and 1502, under the Aztec ruler Ahuizotl. At the time of Spanish conquest of Mexico, when news arrived that the Aztecs were defeated by the Spaniards, King Cosijoeza ordered his people not to confront the Spaniards so they would avoid the same fate. They were defeated by the Spaniards only after several campaigns between 1522 and 1527. However, uprisings against colonial authorities occurred in 1550, 1560 and 1715.

Using the army in ADLG

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
List used as the basis for the url=https://fighting15s.com/product/awa007-zapotec-adlg-army-pack/?v=79cba1185463Fighting 15's ADLG Army Pack on sale on their website/url
Competent Included
3 Nobles Med Sw Atlatl Elite
3 Warriors Med Sw Atlatl
2 Skirmishers Sling
2 Warriors with Bow
Competent Included
3 Nobles Med Sw Atlatl Elite
3 Warriors Med Sw Atlatl
2 Skirmishers Sling
2 Warriors with Bow
4 Warriors Med Sw Atl-atl
2 Slingers

200 Points

  • 3 of these
  • 4 of these
  • etc
  • etc