
Assyrian Empire and Sargonid

Historical Overview Section

Before the military reforms of the former general / kingship-siezer Tiglath-Pileser III, the Middle or Neo-Assyrian? army was very similar to the other Mesopotamian armies of the time. Soldiers were mostly raised farmers, who had to return to their fields to collect the harvest. Professional soldiers were limited to a few bodyguards that protected the King and or other nobles and officials. However this wasn't entirely successful as once the empire attempted to expand militarily, battle after battle killed off important soldiers, whilst the change of the seasons saw soldiers returning after a short time to their fields without achieving any really decisive conquests. But the upside was that the flowerbeds at the barracks were simply superb.

By the mid-eighth century B.C., the Assyrian levy-army could not cope with the demands of an empire that often stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf, and so when Tiglath Pileser III came to the throne in 745 B.C he changed the Assyrian army by the introduction of a standing army. This included a larger number of foreign soldiers supplied by vassal states as tribute or when demanded by the Assyrian King. They were given Assyrian equipment and uniform which made them indistinguishable from one another, possibly to increase their integration. Whilst the infantry in the standing army contained a large number of foreigners (including Aramaeans and even Greeks), the Assyrian Cavalry and Charioteers continued to be dominated by Assyrians. There were exceptions however, and as casualties mounted additional troops would not be unwelcome; Sargon II reports that he managed to incorporate 60 Israelite Chariot teams into his army.

The core of the Assyrian army lay in its chariots, originally used as two-horse vehicles. However, the rise of Cavalry in the 1st Millennia B.C. meant that by the 7th Century B.C. the Chariot was upgraded under the reign of Ashurnasirpal II to heavy four horse chariots which could contain more men and went off smashing into enemy formations and dispersing enemy infantry in the process. The Assyrian Cavalry and Infantry would then be able to exploit the gap and rout the enemy thereby taking the field!

The Assyrians were amongst the first to deploy charging cavalry under Tiglath Pileser III, and by the 7th century B.C., mounted Assyrian warriors were well armed with a bow and a lance, armored with lamellar armor and their mounts equipped with fabric armor, providing limited yet useful protection in close combat and against missiles. Cavalry would form the core of the later Assyrian armies. As the Empire suffered horrendous casualties under Ashurbanipal's campaigns of conquest, the rebellions following his death may have contributed significantly to the downfall of the Empire as fewer vassals were available to pay tribute horses and other war material needed.

Assyrian Infantry were cheaper and more numerous than the cavalry. Assyrian Infantry were composed of both native Assyrians and foreigners employed as auxiliaries, spearmen, slingers, shield bearers or archers. The latter type was the most dominant in Assyrian armies and from the time of Ashurnasirpal, archers would be accompanied by a shield bearer. Many different types of bows are recorded by the Assyrians, including Akkadian, Cimmerian and their own "Assyrian" type. Armour (lamellar) amongst the melee troops was limited to the best soldiers only, whilst the rest of the army made do with shields and helmets.

Using the army in ADLG

  • Heavy Chariots are (in v4) no longer almost as good as Knights, but can still tank through enemy foot
  • The chief asset of this army is its mobility - with a few Elite HC bw, and an almost-all MF infantry force everything can whizz about very quickly allowing you to wrong-foot more HI-centric opponents from deployment onwards
  • the speed also comes into play at the end-phase of a battle, where almost everything in this army can move rapidly to find enemy flanks and rack up the casulaties faster than a less nimble opponent
  • Split the Chariots into 2 commands and converge them on a central point or keep them separate to support your foot.
  • Great allies too - almost everry one is viable in some way, with the Bedouin perhaps pick of the bunch
  • Take lots of mixed shooters to nibble away at the enemy hit points, probably MF. HF are better at resisting mounted and moving at 3MU in initial turns are almost as quick
  • Rear support can usefully soak up some spare points, and is now in v4 worth taking along with Armour to make your Elite HI Sw units almost as good as spearmen would be
  • Use the command and control to the max. 2 brilliant and an Ordinary is probably the opimum, especially if you have Kampfgruppe mixed type commands which will often have 3 separate groups doing differenttasks simultaneously.
  • With speed and great 3C don't be afraid to split up your commands into 3 (or even more) sub-groups to achieve tactical flexibility and local advantages, or to optimise matchups against a less nimble enemy
  • Equally, don't be afraid to just turn around and walk away if thins look hairy. You have teh speed to do so, and the abiilty to come back later when the enemy is more scattered and easier to pick off

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Roll Call 2024
2 MCv Bow
3 Mixed UNits
1 LH Bow
1 LF Bow
2 HCv Bw Elite
2 Mixed HI Sword
2 HCh Impact Elite w/ Ordinary General
1 LH Bow
2 LF Bow
Included Competent General
4 LH Bow Elite
2 HCv Bw Elite
Included Competent Skythian ally

  1. Beachhead 2023 Winning List

2 Guardsmen Heavy swordsmen armour support Elite
2 Line Infantry ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Slinger Light Infantry Bow ------
1 Cimmero-Skythians Light cavalry bow ----
1 Line Infantry Heavy Swordsmen ----
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow ----
Ordinary Included
2 Chariots * Heavy chariot impact Elite
1 Light Infantry Light infantry Sling ------
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Cimmero-Skythians Light cavalry bow ------
2 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----
1 Javelinman Javelinmen ------
1 Slinger Light Infantry Sling ----
1 Horsemen Medium cavalry bow ----
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow ----
1 Line Infantry Medium Swordsmen Support ----

Beachhead 2023
2 Mixed HI/Bw
2 Chariots included Ordinary general
2 LH Bow
6 LH Skythians (allied contingent) - 4 Elite, 2 Ordinary
1 Elite HCv Bow Included Ordinary Ally
2 MCv Elite
2 HCh Elite
2 LI Sling
4 Mixed Med Foot
1 LCm Bow mediocre

Warfare 2022
3 HCh Elite
Included Unreliable General
2 LF Bow
1 HCh Elite
Brilliant General
2 Elite HCv Bow
1 LH Bow
2 half and half MF
2 Supported Swordsmen MF
Libyan Ally
2 LCh Armour Bow
3 Meshwesh Elite Impetuous MSw
2 Libu MSw Impetuous
1 Med Sw Mediocre
1 Mediocre Bowman
2 LF Javelin
Brilliant Ally

v4 Roll Call 2022 25mm
2 Guardsmen Heavy swordsmen armour support Elite
2 Line Infantry ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Slinger Light Infantry Sling ------
1 Cimmero-Skythians Light cavalry bow ----
1 Horsemen Medium cavalry bow ----
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow ----
Ordinary Included
2 Chariots * Heavy chariot impact Elite
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ------
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Cimmero-Skythians Light cavalry bow ------
2 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----
1 Javelinman Javelinmen ------
1 Slinger Light Infantry Sling ----
1 Horsemen Medium cavalry bow ----
1 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow ----
1 Line Infantry Medium Swordsmen ----

2 4-Horse Chariots Heavy chariot impact Elite
1 Line Infantry Heavy swordsmen missile support ------
2 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Light Camel Scout Light camelry bow Mediocre
2 Kushites Light infantry bow ----
1 Line Infantry Heavy swordsmen missile support ------
2 4-Horse Chariots Heavy chariot impact Elite
2 Guardsmen Heavy swordsmen armour support Elite
2 Kushites Light infantry bow ------
2 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----
Ordinary Included
1 Cimmerians Light cavalry bow ------
2 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite

Used by Paul Dawson at the BHGS teams @ LGT 2021 (v4)
1 HCh Impact Elite
2 LF Bow
1 Guard Med Sw Armour Support Elite
1 Cimmerian LH Bow
1 Javelinman
1 Line Infantry Hvy Sw Support
1 Line Infantry 1/2 & 1/2
3 Line Infantry 1/2 & 1/2
2 HCv Bw Elite
1 HCv Bw
1 Cimmerian LCv Bow
1 Javelinman LF Javelin
1 Guardsman Med Sw Armour Support Elite
Ordinary Included
3 HCh Impact Elite + General
2 LF Sling

Lockdown Podcast #15
Adams List
3 HCv Elite
3 Medium Sw Infantry
2 LH Bow
2 Levy
1 Egyptian Mediocre Bow
Competent Included
2 HCh Elite
2 Guardsmen Armour Elite HF Sw
2 LF Bow
1 Poor Hvy Swd
Skythian Competent Included Ally
1 NOble Elite JCv
1 Medium Cv
4 LH Bow

Tamsins List
1 Skythian
4 HCh Elite
2 LF Bow
2 Guard Armour Elite Support Hvy Swd
4 Hvy Sw MIssile Support
1 Med Sw
1 Javelinman
2 Egyptian Bow
1 Skythian
2 HCv Elite

Avignon 2019
2 Horse Elite Bw
HI Sword Support
1 HI Mixed
1 LI Bow
1 Javelinman
1 LH Bow
1 LF Javelin
2 Chariots (included ordinary)
1 LF Sling
2 Chariots
2 Guardsmen Medium Foot Sw Elite
1 LF Bow
1 Skythian LH
2 MF Mixed
1 HCv Bw Elite

9 Sargonid Carroll Britcon 2019
4 Line Infantry ½ Medium spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Guardsman Medium swordsmen Elite
4 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 Bedouins Light camelry bow Mediocre
Ordinary Included
4 Chariots with 4 Horses )inc) Heavy chariot impact Elite
1 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ------
Bedouin Ordinary Included Ally General
4 Warriors on Camels (inc Gen) Medium camelry bow ------
1 Scouts on Camels Light camelry bow Mediocre

9 Sargonid Martin
4 CHARIOTS Heavy chariot impact Elite
1 HORSEMEN Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 SCYTHIANS Light cavalry bow ------
2 LIGHT INF BOW Light infantry bow ------
1 KUSHITES Bowmen Mediocre
1 LINE INFANTRY ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----
4 LINE INFANTRY ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 LINE INFANTRY ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 GUARDSMEN Heavy swordsmen Elite
1 POOR INFANTRY Medium swordsmen Mediocre
1 KUSHITES Bowmen Mediocre
1 BEDOUINS Light camelry bow Mediocre
1 LEVY Levy ------
Ordinary, Included, Unreliable
1 HORSEMEN * Medium cavalry bow ------
1 BEDOUINS Light camelry bow Mediocre

9 Sargonid (Worden - Britcon 2019)
4 Chariots Heavy Chariot Impact Elite
3 Archers Light Infantry Bow ----
2 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----
2 Guardsmen Medium Swordsmen Elite
1 Levy Levy ----
Ordinary Unreliable
1 Skythian Light Cavalry Bow ----
2 Cavalry Medium Cavalry Bow ----
2 Cavalry Medium Cavalry Bow ----
1 Skythian Light Cavalry Bow ----
4 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ----

9 Sargonid (Middlemist - Britcon 2019)
1 Guard Infantry Elite Sword Support
4 Mixed Bw/Sw Line Infantry
1 LF Bow
Competent Included
4 HC Elite (General - Britcon 2019)
1 Bedouin LCm
1 Scythian LH
Competent Included
4 Elite HCh (General - Britcon 2019)
2 HCv Ordinary
1 Bedouin
2 LF Bow

Patras 2019
2 HCh
2 LF Bow
2 HC Elite Bw
Competent Unreliable
2 HC Bow
2 Scythians
2 HI Mixed Bow
2 HCh
1 Guard MF Elite Armour
1 Infantry MF Rear Support
1 Infantry Mixed
1 Javelinman
1 HC Bow Ordinary
1 LF Bow

List 2
2 Horse Elite Bw
2 Elite HI Armour
1 HI Mixed
1 LI Bow
1 Javelinman
1 LH Bow
2 Chariots (included ordinary)
2 LF Sling
2 Chariots
2 Line Infantry
1 Li Bow
1 Skythian LH
2 MF Mixed
1 MCv Bw Elite
1 LF Javelin

2018 Britcon list
9 Assyrians
Competent Included
3 HORSEMEN (INC GENERAL) Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 SCYTHIANS Light cavalry bow ------
3 LI BOW Light infantry bow ------
3 CHARIOTS Heavy chariot impact Elite
4 LINE INFANTRY ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 LINE INFANTRY Medium swordsmen ------
1 GUARDSMEN Medium swordsmen Elite
1 LI SLING Light infantry sling ------
1 KUSHITES Bowmen ------
1 LI JAV Light infantry javelin ------
Ordinary Included Unreliable
1 HORSEMEN (INC GENERAL) Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 BEDOUINS Light camelry bow Mediocre
1 LI JAV Light infantry javelin ----

Ian Mackay's podium-placing list from warfare 2016
1 Guardsmen Medium swordsmen Elite
4 Line Infantry ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 Levy Levy ------
1 Light Infantry Light infantry javelin ------
4 Chariots Heavy chariot impact Elite
4 Light Infantry Light infantry bow ------
4 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Scythians Light cavalry bow ------

Harrison's 200AP podium-placed list from Warfare 2016
4 Chariots Heavy chariot impact Elite
2 Scythians Light cavalry bow ------
4 Horsemen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Horsemen Medium cavalry bow ------
1 Guardsmen Heavy swordsmen Elite
4 Line Infantry ½ Heavy swordsmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Levy Levy ----
1 Light infantry sling Light infantry sling ----

200 Points

  • LH, Bow
  • 4 HC, Bow (included General)


  • 4 HCh
  • 4 LI
  • 2 Bw/Sw MF
  • 1 Med Swordsman

Bedouin Ally

  • 4 Camels
  • 2 LCm

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