

Historical Overview Section

The Pagan Burmese were actually pagans, but they were also part of a Dynasty called The Pagans. What a co-incidence. The kingdom grew out of a small fortified settlement of Pagan founded in 849 by the Burmans, who had recently entered the central plains of the Irrawaddy from Nanzhao? Kingdom of the present-day Yunnan. Over the next two hundred years the Pagan Kingdom gradually grew to include its immediate surrounding areas. In 1057, King Anawrahta conquered Lower Burma. Anawrahta's successors by the late 12th century had extended their influence farther south into the upper Malay peninsula, at least to the Salween river in the east, below the current China border in the farther north, and to the west, northern Arakan and the Chin Hills. The Burmese Chronicles also claimed Pagan's suzerainty over the entire Chao Phraya river valley and the lower Malay peninsula down to the Straits of Malacca. In the mid-12th century, most of mainland Southeast Asia was under some degree of control of either the Pagan Kingdom or the Khmer Khmer or Champa? Empire.

The kingdom went into decline in the 13th century as the continuous growth of tax-free religious wealth (by the 1280s, two-thirds of Upper Burma's cultivable land had been alienated to the religion!!) affected the crown's ability to retain the loyalty of courtiers and military servicemen. This ushered in a vicious circle of internal disorders and external challenges by Mons, Mongols and Shans.

Beginning in the early 13th century, the Shans began to circle the Pagan Empire from the north and the east. The Mongol Conquest, which had overtaken Yunnan, the former homeland of the Burmans in 1253, reached Burma in 1277. The last true ruler of Pagan, Narathihapate (1254–87) felt confident in his ability to resist the Mongol Conquests and advanced into Yunnan in 1277 to make war upon them. He was thoroughly crushed at the Battle of Ngasaunggyan, and Pagan resistance virtually collapsed. The king was assassinated by his own son in 1287, precipitating a Mongol invasion in the Battle of Pagan; the Mongol Conquest successfully captured most of the empire, including its capital, and ended the dynasty in 1289 when they installed a puppet ruler in Burma, ending the Pagan kingdom's 250-year rule of the Irrawaddy valley and its periphery. The kingdom was broken up into many small Medieval Burmese? states, with each claiming a king. It took another 250 years until Burma was unified again.

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Ian Speed's Beachhead 25 Winning list
1 Elephants with escorts Elephant Elite
2 Burmese warriors Medium swordsmen ----
1 Light infantry crossbow Light infantry crossbow ----
3 Bengal mercenaries Medium swordsmen impact ------
1 Horsemen Medium cavalry Mediocre
2 Handgunners Light infantry firearm ----
2 Horsemen Medium cavalry ----
1 Elephants with escorts Elephant Elite
2 Burmese warriors Medium swordsmen ----
3 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow ----
2 Bowmen Bowmen ----
2 Bengal mercenaries Heavy cavalry bow ----
1 Bengal mercenaries Medium swordsmen impact ----
1 Horsemen Medium cavalry Mediocre
Ordinary, included, Unreliable
1 Elephants with escorts riden by general Elephant Elite
2 Guard infantry Medium swordsmen impact Elite
1 Light infantry crossbow Light infantry crossbow ----

Devizes 2024
1 In O General in Elite Elephant
1 LF XBow
2 Elite Impact Med Sw
1 El Elite with Ordinary general
3 Impact Warriors
2 LF Handgun
1 LF XBow
2 MCv Bw
2 MF Sword
1 Crap MCv
2 MF Sword
1 MF Sword IMpact
1 Elite Elephant
2 HCv Bow
2 Bowmen
3 LF Bow

Britcon 2022 (V4)
3 Elephants with Escorts Elephant Elite
3 Bowmen Light infantry bow ------
2 Guard Infantry Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Bowmen Bowmen ------
Ordinary Included
1 Elephant with Escorts Elephant Elite
3 Bowmen Crossbowmen ------
1 Bowmen Light infantry bow ------
1 Elephant with Escorts Elephant Elite
1 Elephant with Escorts Elephant Elite
4 Burmese Warriors Medium swordsmen ------
2 Bowmen Light infantry bow ------

163 Burmese Robbo, Britcon 2019
3 Elephants
2 Guadsmen Elite 2HW
3 LF Bow
1 Burmese Bow
2 Militia Bow Mediocre
Competent Included
1 Elephant & General
1 Elephant
3 Burmese Warriors
2 Militia Horse
1 LF Bow
Ordinary Included
1 Elephant General
2 Bowmen

USTT 2018 200 Points
2 Elephants Elephant Elite
2 Spearmen Medium spearmen ------
2 LI Bow Light infantry bow ------
2 Bowmen Bowmen ------
2 Elephants Elephant Elite
2 Spearmen Medium spearmen ------
2 LI Bow Light infantry bow ------
2 Bowmen Bowmen ------
1 Elephants Elephant Elite
2 Guards Medium swordsmen 2HW Elite
1 Firearms Light infantry firearm Elite
1 Bowmen Bowmen ------

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