
Feudal English

Historical Overview Section

176 Feudal English

Wikipedia Excerpt

Henry II was the first of the Angevin rulers of England, so-called because he was also the Count of Anjou in Northern France. Henry had also acquired the huge duchy of Aquitaine by marriage, and England became a key part of a loose-knit assemblage of lands spread across Western Europe, later termed the Angevin Empire. Henry reasserted royal authority and rebuilt the royal finances, intervening to claim power in Ireland and promoting the Anglo-Norman colonization of the country. Henry strengthened England's borders with Wales and Scotland, and used the country's wealth to fund a long-running war with his rivals in France, but arrangements for his succession once again proved problematic. Several revolts broke out, led by Henry's children who were eager to acquire power and lands, sometimes backed by France, Scotland and the Welsh princes. After a final confrontation with Henry, his son Richard I succeeded to the throne in 1189.

Richard spent his reign focused on protecting his possessions in France and fighting in the Third Crusade; his brother, John, inherited England in 1199 but lost Normandy and most of Aquitaine after several years of war with France. John fought successive, increasingly expensive, campaigns in a bid to regain these possessions. John's efforts to raise revenues, combined with his fractious relationships with many of the English barons, led to confrontation in 1215, an attempt to restore peace through the signing of the Magna Carta, and finally the outbreak of the First Barons' War. John died having fought the rebel barons and their French backers to a stalemate, and royal power was re-established by barons loyal to the young Henry III. England's power structures remained unstable and the outbreak of the Second Barons' War in 1264 resulted in the king's capture by Simon de Montfort. Henry's son, Edward, defeated the rebel factions between 1265 and 1267, restoring his father to power.

On becoming king, Edward I rebuilt the status of the monarchy, restoring and extending key castles that had fallen into disrepair. Uprisings by the princes of North Wales led to Edward mobilizing a huge army, defeating the native Welsh and undertaking a programme of English colonization and castle building across the region. Further wars were conducted in Flanders and Aquitaine. Edward also fought campaigns in Scotland, but was unable to achieve strategic victory, and the costs created tensions that nearly led to civil war. Edward II inherited the war with Scotland and faced growing opposition to his rule as a result of his royal favourites and military failures. The Despenser War of 1321–22 was followed by instability and the subsequent overthrow, and possible murder, of Edward in 1327 at the hands of his French wife, Isabella, and a rebel baron, Roger Mortimer. Isabella and Mortimer's regime lasted only a few years before falling to a coup, led by Isabella's son Edward III, in 1330.

Using the army in ADLG

  • The strength of the Feudal English lies in their Medium Knight Impetuous Elites. This will me the main strike force. That said, you will still want to avoid certain troop types such as Heavy Spear, Pike, and bowmen with stakes.
  • The other strike force for the list is the 4 longbowmen units available. I highly recommend taking all 4 stands as well as 2 crossbow stands. 6 stands of shooters is usually enough in a 200 point game. Place them in some rough going and they will be near invincible to dislodge.
  • Lastly, you will want to supplement the list with some Heavy Spearmen and light troops. I usually max out on the upgrade to regular for the Heavy Spearmen and take two light infantry javelins. If I have points left over, I throw in a Levy or two.

User-contributed links about this army.

Army Lists

Athens 2024
2 Med Kn Impact
1 Longbow
2 Spear
2 LG bow
Ordinary General
4 Impetuous Elite Kn
2 HCv Impact
2 LH X-Bow
Welsh Ally
1 med Spear
4 L-Bow
1 LH Impact
2 LF Javelin
Ordinary General
(3rd place)

Massimiliano's list from Alicante 2023
3 Longbow
3 LI Javelin
2 LH IMpact
Welsh Ordinary Ally
4 Kn Impetuous Elite
2 LF Javelin
2 HI Spear
1 Longbow
4 Impact Knights
2 Levy
1 Longbow
1 Impact Elite KN General Unreliable
(This competition mandated a strategist)

Warfare 2022
Elite Impact Kn + General
2 MCv Impact
1 LH XBow
2 Spear
1 Pike (I)
1 Longbow
2 Knights Impact
1 LF Bow
4 Knights
1 Pike (I)
1 Spear
3 Archers/Longbows (?)

200Ap 25mm Roll Call 2018
4 HI Spear
3 Bow
2 LF Bow
4 KNights Impetuous Elite
3 Bopw
1 Levy
2 Ordinary Impact Knights
3 Bowmen
2 LF Javel;ins
Competent General

USTT 2018 200ap
2, Knights and Sergeants, Medium knight impetuous, Elite
3, Knights and Sergeants, Medium knight impetuous, ------
1, Mercenaries, Medium knight impact, ------
2, Millitia and Mercenaries, Heavy spearmen, Mediocre
1, English and Welsh Archers, Longbowmen, ----
1, Light Infintry Bow, Light infantry bow, ----
2, Knights and Sergeants, Medium knight impetuous, Elite
2, Knights and Sergeants, Medium knight impetuous, ------
1, Mercenaries, Medium knight impact, ------
1, Light Infantry Bow, Light infantry bow, ------
1, English and Welsh Archers, Longbowmen, ------
Ordinary Included
2, Knights and Sergeants*, Medium knight impetuous, Elite
1, Irish or Welsh Kerns, Light infantry javelin, ------

Edward II in 1314
Corps I - Brilliant

  • 6 Medium knight impetuous Elite
  • 1 Heavy cavalry impact

Corps II - Competent

  • 3 Medium spearmen
  • 4 Longbowmen
  • 2 Crossbowmen

Corps III - Competent Unreliable

  • 3 Heavy spearmen
  • 2 Levy
  • 2 Light infantry javelin

Sample army lists for this army
King John Brilliant

  • 6 Knights Medium knight impetuous Elite
  • 6 English Archers Bowmen
  • 3 Light Archer Light infantry bow
  • 3 Javlinmen Light infantry javelin


  • 6 Welsh Archers Longbowmen

Ally Ordinairy

  • 6 Militia Spearmen Heavy spearmen

Qty Troop description Troop type Quality

  • 6 Welsh Spearmen Medium spearmen --

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