

Historical Overview Section

Initially established during the Pre-Classic period (c. 2000 BC to AD 250), according to the Mesoamerican chronology, many Maya cities reached their highest state of development during the Classic period (c. AD 250 to 900), and continued throughout the Post-Classic period until the arrival of the Spanish.

Shortly after their first expeditions to the region, the Spanish initiated a number of attempts to subjugate the Maya who were hostile towards the Spanish crown and establish a colonial presence in the Maya territories of the Yucatán Peninsula and the Guatemalan highlands. This campaign, sometimes termed "The Spanish Conquest of Yucatán", would prove to be a lengthy and dangerous exercise for the conquistadores from the outset, and it would take some 170 years and tens of thousands of Indian auxiliaries before the Spanish established substantive control over all Maya lands.

Unlike the Aztec and Inca Empires, there was no single Maya political center that, once overthrown, would hasten the end of collective resistance from the indigenous peoples. Instead, the conquistador forces needed to subdue the numerous independent Maya polities almost one by one, many of which kept up a fierce resistance. Most of the conquistadors were motivated by the prospects of the great wealth to be had from the seizure of precious metal resources such as gold or silver; however, the Maya lands themselves were poor in these resources. This would become another factor in forestalling Spanish designs of conquest, as they instead were initially attracted to the reports of great riches in central Mexico or Peru.

The last Maya states, the Itza polity of Tayasal and the Ko'woj city of Zacpeten, were continuously occupied and remained independent of the Spanish until late in the 17th century. They were finally subdued by the Spanish in 1697.

Using the army in ADLG

  • Don't bet the house on Atl-atl winning for you - thats a bonus if they do any damage pre-impact
  • Quality infantry getting into enemy infantry is the ket
  • Terrain is your friend

User-contributed links about this army. Add links in this format:

as an example

  • Maya Army usage statistics from the ADLG ranking site

Army Lists

Roll Call 2024
4 Elite MF Sword Atl-Atl
1 MF Sw Bow Elite
2 Poor Bowmen
1 LF Javelin
1 LF Bow
Competent General
4 Elite MF Sword Atl-Atl
1 MF Sw Bow Elite
2 Poor Bowmen
1 LF Javelin
1 LF Bow
Competent General
2 MF Sw Bow Elite
2 Poor Bowmen
2 Elite Javelinmen
2 LF Sling
Brilliant General

Army List used as the basis forFighting 15's pre-made ADLG army pack available from their site, and featured in the ADLG Podcast from Madaxeman.com
2 Nobles Med Sw Impact Elite
2 Nobles & Warriors Med Sw 2HW
2 Atl-atl bearers & Slingers LF Sling
1 Warrior with Bow
1 Warrior Medium Sword Mediocre
1 Bow Mediocre
2 Nobles Med Sw Impact Elite
2 Nobles & Warriors Med Sw 2HW
2 Atl-atl bearers & Slingers LF Sling
1 Warrior with Bow
1 Warrior Medium Sword Mediocre
1 Bow Mediocre
2 Zabinob Javelinmen Elite
4 Toltec Mercenaries Med Sw Impact Elite
1 Light Archers LF Bow

Podcast : Richard's List
4 Toltec mercenaries Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Nobles and warriors Medium swordsmen 2HW ------
2 Warriors Medium swordsmen Mediocre
2 Zabinob Light infantry javelin Elite
4 Nobles and warriors Medium swordsmen impact Elite
2 Nobles and warriors Medium swordsmen 2HW ------
2 Skirmishing archers Light infantry bow ----
4 Warriors with bow Bowmen ------
1 Warriors with bow Bowmen Mediocre
2 Warriors Medium swordsmen Mediocre
2 Atlatl bearers Light infantry javelin ------

Other Sample army lists for this army

200 Points

  • 3 of these
  • 4 of these
  • etc
  • etc

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