
New Kingdom Egyptian

Historical Overview Section

18th, 19th and 20th Dynasties 1550BC-1069BC. The New Kingdom (1570–1070 BC) followed the Second Intermediate Period and was succeeded by the Third Intermediate Period. It was Egypt’s most prosperous time and marked the zenith of its power.

Possibly as a result of the foreign rule of the Hyksos during the Second Intermediate Period, the New Kingdom saw Egypt attempt to create a buffer between the Levant and Egypt, and attained its greatest territorial extent. It expanded far south into Nubia and held wide territories in the Near East. Egyptian armies fought the Hittite Empire for control of modern-day Syria.

The eighteenth Dynasty contained some of Egypt's most famous Pharaohs including Tutankhamun and Thutmose III ("the Napoleon of Egypt") who expanded Egypt's army and wielded it with great success. This resulted in a peak in Egypt's power and wealth during the reign of Amenhotep III. Towards the end of the 18th Dynasty, the situation had changed radically and the Hittite Empire gradually extended it's influence into Syria and Palestine. Ramesses II ("the Great") sought to recover territories in the Levant that had been held by the 18th Dynasty and his campaign of reconquest culminated in the Battle of Kadesh where he led Egyptian armies against those of the king of the Hittite Empire, and was caught in history's first recorded military ambush - but thanks to the arrival of the Ne'arin Ramesses was able to rally his troops and turn the tide of battle against the Hittites. The outcome of the battle was undecided, both sides claiming victory at their home front, ultimately resulting in a peace treaty between the two nations.

The last "great" pharaoh from the New Kingdom is widely regarded to be Ramesses III, a Twentieth Dynasty pharaoh who reigned several decades after Ramesses II. In Year 8 of his reign, the Sea Peoples? invaded Egypt by land and (unsurprisingly) sea. Ramesses III defeated them in two great land and sea battles and claimed to have incorporated them as subject peoples and settled them in Southern Canaan, although there is evidence that they forced their way into Canaan. Their presence in Canaan may have contributed to the formation of new states in this region such as the Philistines after the collapse of the Egyptian Empire. He was also compelled to fight invading Early Libyan tribesmen in two major campaigns in Egypt's Western Delta in his Year 6 and Year 11 respectively.

The heavy cost of these battles slowly exhausted Egypt's treasury and contributed to the gradual decline of the Egyptian Empire in Asia. Following Ramesses III's death there was endless bickering between his heirs. Three of his sons would go on to assume power as Ramesses IV, Ramesses VI and Ramesses VIII respectively. However, at this time Egypt was also increasingly beset by a series of droughts, below-normal flooding levels of the Nile, famine, civil unrest and official corruption. The power of the last pharaoh, Ramesses XI, grew so weak that in the south the High Priests of Amun at Thebes became the effective defacto rulers of Upper Egypt, while Smendes controlled Lower Egypt even before Ramesses XI's death. Smendes eventually founded the Twenty-First dynasty at Tanis.

Using the army in ADLG

  • Generals can only be included in Chariot units, so if you are going to skirmish with them it may be tempting to use included generals. Including them saves 6 points in total, and means some of the Chariots get +1 in combat.
  • A lot of other armies in period have mixed bow foot units, so the sea people style warriors can be an effective part of this army when going in against them - but beware of Bw/Sw infantry who will negate the Impact factor when being charged by impetuous warrior foot. Plenty of skirmishers to screen them could be important

User-contributed links about this army:

15mm Manufacturers

This is everyone selling Egyptians. You can see some of the figures in the Ancients Photo Gallery also on this site

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Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Roll Call 2024
4 LCh Bw Ordinary, Armour, Competent Included General
4 LCh Armour Elite Bow
4 LF Javelin
Ordinary general
1 Crap Bowman
2 LCh Armour Elite Bow
4 LF Bow
1 Crap Bow
2 Impact MF Sword
2 Impetuous Libyans

Madaxeman Podcast Sample Army #1
2 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impact
2 Egyptian archers Bowmen
2 Syro-canaanites Light infantry javelin
2 Warriors Medium swordsmen impact
1 Warriors with axe Medium swordsmen 2HW
2 Egyptian archers Bowmen
1 Syro-canaanites Javelinmen
2 Bedouins Light infantry sling
2 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impact
2 Egyptian archers Bowmen
2 Nubians Light infantry bow

Madaxeman Podcast List #2
2 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impact
3 Egyptian archers Bowmen
2 Syro-canaanites Light infantry javelin
Competent Included
3 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow Elite
1 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow ----
2 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impact
3 Egyptian archers Bowmen
2 Nubians Light infantry bow

Madaxeman Podcast List =3
6 Sherden warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
2 Syro-canaanites Light infantry javelin
2 Nubians Light infantry bow
4 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow Elite
2 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow ----
2 2 horse chariots Light chariot bow
4 Warriors Medium swordsmen impact
2 Egyptian archers Bowmen

Madaxeman NKE Campaign 2019
4 Libyan Warriors
1 Nubian LF Bow
1 Syrian LF Javelin
1 Light Chariot
2 Mediocre Bowmen
2 Light Chariots (E)
2 Warriors Spear MF
2 Guardsmen HI Impetuous Elite Sword
1 Nubian LF Bow
1 Light Cavalry
1 Light Chariot (O)
2 Bedouin LI Sling
5 Sherden
1 Syrian LF Javelin
Competent Unreliable

The plan was that the HI/Spear/Chariot command could neutralise any LCh or Camel threat in the theme, with the Sea Peoples rushing at and over other infantry with a decent enough screen of LF to keep them from taking shooting hits on the way in.

Game 1 Campaign
4 Light Chariot Bow
2 LF Bow
3 LFJavelin
4 Bowmen
4 Sherden
5 LCh Elite
2 Impact Sw MF

Game 2 Campaign 2019
LCh (E) + General
LCh (O)
2 Impact Sw MF
2 HI 2HW
2 MF 2HW
3 LCh Inc Ord Gen
1 Bow (O)
1 Bow (I)
1 LH
1 LCh (O)
6 Meshwesh
2 LF Bow
2 javelinmen

Game 3 Campaign 2019
2 Bw(O)
2 Elite HI 2HW
3 MF Spear
3 LF Javelin
2 LF Bow
2 LCh (E)
2 MF Spear
2 Bw
3 MF Spear
2 Bw
2 CH
Competent General

Game 4 Campaign (Hubert)
2 LCh (E)
2 Bow
3 Impact MF
2 LF Bow
2 LF Javelin
4 Meswesh
1 LH
2 MF Impact
2 Bw
3 MF Impact
2 LCh (E)

Game 5 Campaign 2019
4 LCh (2xE, 2xO)
1 LF Javelin
1 Mediocre Bow
1 Ordinary Bow
Included General
3 Meshwesh
3 Impact Sword
2 LF Bow
1 Bw (O)
1 LF Javelin
Brilliant Unreliable
2 Bw
2 Chariots (1xO, 1xE)
4 MF Impact Sw
1 LF Bow

200 Points
Brilliant General – not included – 6
5 Light Chariot Bow – 45
2 Med. Sword Impact – 16
Command Total 67

Competent General – not included- 3
4 Med Sword Impact – 32
4 Bowmen – 28
Command Total -63

Brilliant General – not included – 6
4 Light Chariot Bow Elite – 44
2 Light Infantry Bow – 8
3 Light Infantry Javelin – 12
Command Total 70

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