Historical Overview Section
The Yuan dynasty, officially the Great Yuan, was the empire or ruling dynasty of China established by Kublai Khan, leader of the Mongolian Borjigin clan. Although the Mongols had ruled territories including today's North China for decades, it was not until 1271 that Kublai Khan officially proclaimed the dynasty in the traditional Chinese style. His realm was, by this point, isolated from the other khanates and controlled most of present-day China and its surrounding areas, including modern Mongolia and Korea. It was the first foreign dynasty to rule all of China and lasted until 1368, after which its Genghisid rulers returned to their Mongolian homeland and continued to rule the Northern Yuan dynasty. Some of the Mongolian Emperors of the Yuan mastered the Chinese language, while others only used their native language (i.e. Mongolian) and the 'Phags-pa script.
The Yuan dynasty is considered both a successor to the Mongol Empire and an imperial Chinese dynasty. It was the khanate ruled by the successors of Möngke Khan after the division of the Mongol Empire. In official Chinese histories, the Yuan dynasty bore the Mandate of Heaven, following the Song dynasty and preceding the Ming dynasty. The dynasty was established by Kublai Khan, yet he placed his grandfather Genghis Khan on the imperial records as the official founder of the dynasty as Taizu. In the Proclamation of the Dynastic Name, Kublai announced the name of the new dynasty as Great Yuan and claimed the succession of former Chinese dynasties from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to the Tang dynasty
Using the army in ADLG
- The Malay ally gives you another set of elephants and some punchy Impetuous Swordsmen to use as a second Death Star and fix the enemy in place
- Splitting the Khans guard gives you a cutting edge in 2 places, not just one.
Useful Links
User-contributed links about this army. Add links in this format:
- name of link description of link
- The Madaxeman Podcast about the Yuan army list
15mm Manufacturers supplying figures for this army
You are probably picking a combination of Later Tang Chinese, Ming Chinese and Song ranges for this army
You can see some of the figures in the Ancients Photo Gallery also on this site
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- Essex Miniatures - Mongols and generic Eastern nomad cavalry
- Black Hat (Gladiator Games) Asiatic Nomad range
- Old Glory Mongols?
- Minifigs UK Must have something in their Chinese ranges?
- Irregular Minis - Song (Sung) Chinese range
- East Riding - Grumpys ranges Yi Koreans and Ming Chinese also from Eureka
- Outpost Some later cavalry based chinese ranges
- Khurasan Many of their Eastern ranges will work
- Viking Forge Tang Chinese?
- Brial Hall’s Hall of Ancient Warriors Chinese Nomad range
- Miniature Wars Mongols?
- Navwar Naismith have Chinese Border Nomads, Song and Mongols in separate ranges.
- SHQ Miniatures/Kennington Yuan, Ming & Mongols
Army Lists
Sample army lists for this army
Southern League 2023
Korean Ally - Competent Included
3 HCv Impact
4 Spear/Bow combos
2 MCv Bow
2 Bowmen
Brilliant Commander
3 Medium Mixed XBow/Sp
2 Medium Polearm
2 LH
3 Khans Guard, Kitchen Sink
Competent Included
263 Yuan (rafa - Britcon 2019)
Qty Troops description Troop type Quality Cost Total
1 Elefantes Elephant Ordinary 13 13
2 Light infantry Light infantry javelin Ordinary 4 8
1 Bowmen Bowmen Ordinary 7 7
2 Khan's guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 28
1 Mongol horsemen Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 6
3 Medium foot Medium swordsmen impact Ordinary 8 24
1 Crossbowmen Crossbow Ordinary 7 7
Brilliant Included Malay Ally
1 Elephant General incluided Elephant Ordinary 13 13
1 Bowmen Bowmen Ordinary 7 7
3 warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous Ordinary 7 21
2 Light infantry Light infantry javelin Ordinary 4 8
2 Light infantry Light infantry bow Ordinary 4 8
1 Elephants Elephant Ordinary 13 13
Ordinary Included
1 Khan's guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 14
1 Guardia del Khan Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 14
1 Mongol horsemen Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 6
263 Yuan (Webb - Britcon 2019)
4 Khan's guard heavy cavalry impact bow elite
3 light horse light cavalry bow ------
1 crossbow crossbowmen
Competent Unreliable
1 elephant Elephant
2 light foot firearm
2 chinese halbediers medium swordsmen impact
2 mixed units ½ Medium spearmen ½ Crossbowmen
1 Light Horse Bow
Competent Included Javanese Ally
2 Elephant Elephant
3 Warriors medium swordsmen impetuous
1 light foot bow light infantry bow
1 light foot javelin light infantry javelin
263 Yuan (Clarke 25mm - Britcon 2019)
Ordinary Included
2 Khans Guardsmen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
1 light cavalry bow Light cavalry bow ------
1 Medium Cavalry Bow
2 Chinese swordsmen Medium Swordsmen impact ------
1 light cavalry bow Light cavalry bow ------
2 Khans Guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Chinese mixed ½ Medium spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
1 light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin ------
1 Elephant Elephant ------
Indonesian Ally Brilliant
3 warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
2 Indonesian Elephant
2 light infantry bow Light infantry bow
2 light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin
1 Levy
263 Yuan (Saunders - Britcon 2019)
4 Khan's guard heavy cavalry impact bow elite
3 light horse light cavalry bow ------
2 crossbow crossbowmen Mediocre
1 elephant Elephant
1 light foot javelin light infantry javelin
2 chinese halbediers medium swordsmen impact
2 mixed units ½ Medium spearmen ½ Crossbowmen
1 light foot bow light infantry bow
Competent Included Javanese Ally
2 Elephant Elephant
3 Warriors medium swordsmen impetuous
1 light foot bow light infantry bow
1 light foot javelin light infantry javelin
263 Yuan (Bennett - Britcon 2019)
3 Khans Guardsmen Heavy cavalry bow Elite
2 Chinese guardsmen Heavy swordsmen 2HW ------
1 light cavalry bow Light cavalry bow ------
1 Chinese archers crossbowmen ------
1 Chinese mixed ½ Medium spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
Indonesian Ally Brilliant
4 warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
1 Indonesian Ally Elephant
1 elephant Elephant
1 light infantry bow Light infantry bow
1 light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin
Ordinary Included
2 Chinese swordsmen Medium Swordsmen impact ------
1 light cavalry bow Light cavalry bow ------
1 Khans Guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin ------
1 Elephant Elephant ------
Massimiliano's Worlds 2019 Winning lists
3 Ch. Halb. & Sw. Medium swordsmen impact
1 Elephant Elephant
2 Light Inf. Light infantry javelin
1 Auxiliares Javelinmen
1 Ch. Mixed ½ Medium spearmen ½ Crossbowmen
Competent Unreliable
2 Khan G. Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
4 mongol horsemen Light cavalry bow ------
2 Light Inf. Light infantry bow ------
Brilliant Unreliable
2 Khan G. Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 mongol horsemen Light cavalry bow ------
2 Mixed Units ½ Medium spearmen ½ Crossbowmen ------
1 Chines Arch. & Xbow Crossbowmen ----
2 Inf. Fire Tube Light infantry firearm ----
4 Kans G. Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
3 Mongol Horsemen Light cavalry bow ------
1 Chinese Xbuw Crossbowmen ------
Competent Unreliable
1 Elephant Elephant
2 C. Halb. & Swordsmen Medium swordsmen impact
2 Light T. Light infantry javelin
2 Mixed Units ½ Medium spearmen ½ Crossbowmen
Competent Included Ally
2 Elephant Elephant
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
1 Light Troups Light infantry javelin
1 Archers Light infantry bow
1 Light Cav. Light cavalry javelin
Britcon 2018
263 Yuan
Ord Icluded
4 Khans Guards * Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Mongol Horsemen Light cavalry bow
1 Heavy Artillery Heavy artillery
1 Elephant Elephant
2 Chinese Swordsmen Medium swordsmen 2HW
1 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow
2 Chinese Archers ½ Medium spearmen ½ Crossbowmen
2 Chinese Guards Heavy swordsmen 2HW
Ord Included Javanese Ally
2 Elephant* Elephant
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
2 Bowmen Light infantry bow
263 Yuan
Ord Icluded
4 Khans Guards * Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
2 Mongol Horsemen Light cavalry bow
2 Chinese Guardsmen Heavy swordsmen armour 2HW
2 Chinese Archers ½ Medium swordsmen ½ Crossbowmen
2 Chinese halberdiers Medium swordsmen 2HW
1 Elephant Elephant
2 Light infantry javelin Light infantry javelin
Ord Included Javanese Ally
2 Elephant * Elephant
3 Warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
1 Light infantry Bow Light infantry bow
1 Light infantry Javelin Light infantry javelin
1 Levy Levy
Jean Francois Gilles Worlds-winning list from Birmingham 2018
4 Elite Khans Guard
2 Mongol LH
Brilliant Included
1 Elephant
3 Chinese MF Impact Sw
1 XBow
1 XBow Medoicre
2 LI Bow
Ordinary Included
Javanese ally
2 Elephants
3 MF Impetuous
1 Bow
1 LI Bow
Brilliant Ally
Version 2
4 Elite Khans Guard
2 Mongol LH
Brilliant Included
1 Elephant
3 Chinese MF Impact Sw
1 XBow
1 XBow Medoicre
2 LI Bow
Competent Included
1 Korean HC Impact
1 HF Sp
3 Mixed Spear/Bow
1 Bw
1 Bw Mediocre
2 LI Bow
Competent Allied
More Worlds 2018 Yuan
3 Khan's Guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 42 2
2 Mongol Horsemen Medium cavalry bow Elite 11 22 2
2 Mongol Horsemen Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 12
4 Chinese Halberdiers and Swordsmen Medium swordsmen 2HW Ordinary 8 32 2
2 Chinese Archers Bowmen Ordinary 7 14 1
1 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow Ordinary 4 4
1 Khan's Guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 14
2 Mongol Horsemen Medium cavalry bow Elite 11 22
2 Mongol Horsemen Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 12
2 Chinese Archers Bowmen Ordinary 7 14
3 Khan's Guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite 14 42
2 Mongol Horsemen Light cavalry bow Ordinary 6 12
2 Mongol Horsemen Medium cavalry bow Ordinary 9 18
Javanese Competent Ally
2 Elephant Elephant Ordinary 13 26
3 Javanese Warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous Ordinary 7 21
2 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow Ordinary 4 8
3 Chinese Halberdiers and Swordsmen Medium swordsmen 2HW Ordinary 8 24
2 Chinese Archers Bowmen Ordinary 7 14
1 Light infantry bow Light infantry bow Ordinary 4 4
1 Elephant Elephant Ordinary 13 13
1 Mongol Horsemen Medium cavalry bow Ordinary 9 9
Rafa's Worlds-winning list from Charleroi 2016
1 Elefantes Elephant ------
1 Light infantry Light infantry javelin ------
2 Mixed units ½ Medium spearmen ½ Bowmen ------
2 Khan's guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Mongol horsemen Light cavalry bow ----
2 2 Heavy weapon Medium swordsmen 2HW ----
Brilliant Allied
2 Elephant Elephant
1 levy Levy
3 warriors Medium swordsmen impetuous
2 Light infantry Light infantry javelin
2 Light infantry Light infantry bow
Ordinary Included
1 Khan's guardsmen Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Guardia del Khan Heavy cavalry impact bow Elite
1 Mongol horsemen Light cavalry bow ------
1 Mongol horsemen Medium cavalry bow ----
200 Points
- 3 of these
- 4 of these
- etc
- etc