Historical Overview Section

The Iberians were a set of peoples that Greek and Roman sources (among others, Hecataeus of Miletus, Avienus, Herodot and Strabo) identified with that name in the eastern and southern coasts of the Iberian peninsula at least from the 6th century BC. These included: the Airenosi, Andosini, Ausetani, Bastetani, Bastuli, Bergistani, Castellani, Cessetani, Ceretani, Contestani, Edetani, Elisices, Iacetani, Ilercavones, Ilergetes, Indigetes, Lacetani, Laietani, Oretani, Sedetani, Sordones, Suessetani plus the unlikely (unless you are in a Carry on Film) named Turdetani and Titii.

After the First Punic War, the Early Carthaginian family descending from Hamilcar Barca began the effective subjugation of Hispania which would extend over the greater part of the south and the west of the peninsula. This subjugation was achieved through tributes, alliances, marriages or simply by force. The peninsula would go on to supply both the Early Carthaginian and Carthaginian armies with significant numbers of troops — both mercenaries and draftees — to help out in their wars with the Republican Romans. The Celtiberians were the most influential ethnic group in pre-Roman Iberia, but they had their largest impact on history during the Second Punic War, during which they became the allies of the Carthaginians in their conflict with the Mid Republican Romans, and crossed the Alps in the mixed forces under Hannibal's command.

The Romans considered Spanish help and manpower provided for the Carthaginians as sufficient motive to invade Hispania. The Roman conquest of Hispania began with the Republican Roman landing at Empúries in 218 B.C. and ended with the conclusion of the Triumverate Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula (or Hispania) by Caesar Augustus in 17 B.C.

Roman General Scipio Africanus learned his trade in generalship Iberia, suppressing both the Spanish and the Carthaginian colonies there in a series of brilliant battles which paved the way for his subsequent success in destroying Carthage. After the ultimate defeat of Carthage, the Celtiberians first submitted to a Republican Roman army in 195 BC; Sempronius Gracchus spent the years 182 to 179 pacifying (as the Romans put it) the Celtiberians however, conflicts between various semi-independent bands of Celtiberians continued after the city of Numantia was finally taken and destroyed by Scipio Aemilianus Africanus the younger after a long and brutal siege that ended the Celtic resistance (154 - 133 BCE), Roman cultural influences increased. The war with Sertorius, 79 - 72 BCE, marked the last formal resistance of the Celtiberian cities to Triumvirate Roman domination, which submerged the Celtiberian culture.

Using the army in ADLG

  • The Legions give this army a remarkably solid heart
  • Low aggression is not such an issue as you want to defend and stack the table with terrain
  • The Celtiberian option also gives you a solid, but more aggressive core

  • Appian translated contemporary historial of Romes Spanish wars
  • Ancient Spanish DBA Figure Gallery for this army - from Fanaticus
  • Iberians DBA Figure Gallery for this army - from Fanaticus

Army Lists

Sample army lists for this army
Southern League 2023 - Celtiberian
2 Celtiberians Heavy Swordsmen Impetuous Elite
3 Celtiberians Heavy Swordsmen Impetuous ------
1 Caetrati Javelinmen ------
2 Caetrati Light Infantry Javelin ------
1 Cavalry Medium Cavalry Elite
2 Light Horse Light Cavalry javelin ----
1 Cavalry Medium Cavalry ----
2 Celtiberians Heavy Swordsmen Impetuous Elite
3 Celtiberians Heavy Swordsmen Impetuous ------
2 Caetrati Light Infantry Javelin ------
1 Burning Cart Scythed Chariot ----
Lusitanian Competent Ally
2 Scutati Medium Swordsmen Impetuous Elite
4 Scutati Medium Swordsmen Impetuous ------
1 Caetrati Javelinmen ------
2 Caetrati Light Infantry Javelin ------

200 points Devonian v4
4 Lusitanian Scutarii Medium Swordsmen Impetuous ------
2 Lusitanian Scutarii Medium Swordsmen Impetuous Elite
1 Caetrati Javelinmen ------
2 Caetrati Light Infantry Javelin ------
1 Cavalry Medium Cavalry ----
1 Light Cavalry Light Cavalry Javelin ----
2 Upgraded Lusitanians Medium Swordsmen Impact ----
3 Veteran Legionaries Heavy Swordsmen Armour Impact Elite
1 Upgraded Lusitanians Medium Swordsmen Impact ------
2 Upgraded Lusitanians Medium Swordsmen Impact Elite
1 Caetrati Javelinmen ------
1 Caetrati Light Infantry Javelin ----
1 Burning Cart Scythed Chariot ----
Included Ordinary Unreliable
2 Cavalry Medium Cavalry Elite
2 Light Cavalry Light cavalry Javelin ------

300 Points

  • Brilliant General
  • 8 Elite Scutarii
  • 2 LF Javelins


  • 6 Elite Armoured Legions (Sertorius Option)
  • 2 LF Sling
  • Ordinary general


  • 8 Elite Scutarii
  • 2 LF Javelin
  • Brilliant General
  • 2 Javelinmen


  • Flaming cart
  • 4 Cavalry
  • Competent General
  • 2 LH Javelin

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You can see some of the figures in the Ancient Spanish Photo Gallery also on this site