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In 6 mercifully bite-sized video reports I run through the mixed fortunes of the once all-conquering Swiss army at the recent Akra Leuka competition in Alicante.
For anyone who's listened to the Podcast, you'll already know it didn't go especially well, so here is your chance to see just how badly things panned out for the Swiss in their games against the Serbs, the Ottomans (twice), the Burgundians, the Condottieri, and finally the Hussites in 6 consecutive YouTube video batreps.
You can watch them all embedded in this website here, or jump straight to full-screen YouTube action by following this link which will play all 6 reports in sequence (if you can bear that much excitement in one go!)
First posted on 12 February 2025 | 5:30 pm
Having just gotten back from plating ADLG at Beachhead (where I somehow ended up 2nd in the 28mm pool with 3 wins and 2 defeats - go figure!), I have managed to quickly upload the "top 3" lists from the 15mm and 28mm competitions to the ADLG Wiki on this site.
They are:
There will be some reports - eventually - of my 5 games too, but here's a few tasters to get you started...
First posted on 9 February 2025 | 9:47 pm
The first Madaxeman podcast of the year hits the pod-shelves in both audio and video formats as the team discuss the recent expedition to Cartagena and Alicante.
The guests on this podcast are Dave "From The Podcast", Dave "Ming the Marxist" and Mark "The FWC Man", all of whom you can actually see on this YouTube version of the Podcast.
The lists we all used in Alicante can be found on the Madaxeman ADLG Wiki.
First posted on 29 January 2025 | 11:39 am
Yes, after a somewhat lengthy delay the 5 battle reports from the L'Art de la Guerre competition at Warfare 2024 have finally made it to these pages, allowing you to see the Swiss army in all its glory!
First posted on 24 January 2025 | 1:14 pm
As a pre-New year treat, I've uploaded to YouTube a rolling montage of photos taken during my visit to the Kubinka Tank Museum outside of Moscow all the way back in September 2006, long before the museum became part of the Patriot military theme park (around 2014) - meaning at the time getting access was a bit of a challenge to say the least!
The photos in this video have already been on the Madaxeman website for quite some time, so much so that they may have been overlooked - hence dropping them all into a video that you can play through in the background when you are doing something far more interesting.
If you do see any pictures that are worth a second look then at least you can go to the website and check them out again at your leisure, without my occasional bursts of ill-informed commentary interrupting your tank-based visual enjoyment.
The Kubinka museum hosts a wide variety of tanks and armoured vehicles developed and used throughout the 20th century by the Soviets, Germans, Allies, Japanese, Hungarians and other nations.
The star of the show is of course the only actual example of the WW2 German Super Tank, the Maus, with the example on display being assembled from the bits of the only two two prototypes ever made, both of which the Russians captured at the end of WW2.First posted on 31 December 2024 | 12:00 pm
Yes, the interminable ADLG 28mm Republican Roman army project has now hit a Christmas milestone, with one of the novelty items in the army list hitting the interweb in the shape of these dozen Gladiators.
They are all from the Crusader Minis range, which I think do a very good job of staying stylistically in keeping with the mostly-Foundry Legionaries I've posted previously, but at a much lower price point of £7 for 4 instead of £14 for 6!
And, here are the set, ready to accompany the Roman army into battle, and you to the dinner table for some turkey and stuffing!
And here's an AI-generated video of the guys being animated and aggressive!
First posted on 25 December 2024 | 11:00 am
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